Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life goes on.

Despite the birth of little Beatrice: Agatha was still brokenhearted. Most nights she dreamed of her loss. 

Beatrice was a good and quite baby who let her mom sleep till the morning.

Agatha often woke up sad.  

When Agatha saw her infant daughter's bright and smiling face. Aggie's pain eased.

Even just before work she played with her bundle of joy. 

  While Agatha wanted her little Bea to have the best of everything she looked hard to find the best babysitter she could possibly find. While Agatha had to work.

Rachelle Gipson. 

 Who got along well with little Beatrice and feed her when she was hungry. 

 Played with the baby when she was lonely.

Meanwhile Agatha got promoted Vegetable slicer. 

  Most nights and mornings between Beatrice and work. Agatha could hardly find the time to cook for herself anymore and garbed a bowl of cereal to eat quickly. 

As the year went by. The time came for Beatrice's first birthday. So Agatha managed to throw a birthday party.

Sadly the only party guest that came was the Sekemoto's cat. Which was odd because we didn't the invite the Cat.

But regardless Beatrice grew into a toddler. 

Beatrice may not have looked like much to most people she was still her mother's pride n joy. 

 So Beatrice has her father's nose and ears. While she Agatha's skin, eyes, and hair color and head shape. Interesting.


1 comment:

  1. Time marches on and Bea is growing fast. Can't wait to see how she fares. Poor Aggie still being so heartbroken. :(
