Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The start of childhood.

So Agatha has gotten her two days off.. and gotten the well deserved rest she needed. 

After she awoke after a quick bath and feeding Beatrice her lunch. She took little Bea, on a mother and daughter trip to the Art Museum. 

  "Ohh, look Bea a painting of giraffes your favorite animal." 

Bea: Big potty? No. No.

"I agree Beatrice a Giant Potty has no business in a Art Museum." 

  Later that same day came Beatrice's birthday. So they decided to celebrate while at home. 

Beatrice grew into a child. Who gained the Genius trait.

  Since Beatrice did gain the genius trait Agatha bought her daughter a telescope. 

  Since Beatrice grew too big for her bed she redecorated her room. 

  For some reason Beatrice wanted cowboy wallpaper. The next day after school Beatrice worked hard on her homework. 

  While Agatha cooked her daughter's favorite meal Ratatouille. 

 Agatha is getting really good at cooking because they both cleared their plates before I can take pictures of them eating. 

These two can really learn from each other.

Beatrice: Mom can I teach you a song learned!

Agatha: Why sure sweetheart. 

 So Beatrice taught her mom a song called. "Oh, where is my Mummy?"

As requested Aggie read her daughter the logic book before bedtime. 

That night Beatrice had a dream that her mommy won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore. 

 There's more to come..

1 comment:

  1. Cute update. :) I laughed out loud when I saw the big potty at the art museum. That was just too funny. And awww, Bea is now a child. I hope things work out for her. :)
