Friday, August 1, 2014

A new job and a mission.

As we last left off Beatrice Graduated high school.

She wasted no time going to the Military base and applying for her first job as Latrine cleaner. 

  She got excited she jogged home still trying to get that Athletic skill higher. 

  She got back home in time in dinner.

Beatrice was talking to her mom how she was so excited about making into the Military. 

 "Just be very careful out there Bea."

"Mom I'll be fine." 

 Here's Beatrice's room made over now..

After her first day of work she got promoted to Mess Hall server! 

  I guess all that skill building as teenager really paid off. 

  She got to excited and ran home once more. 

 Just before going to bed she upgraded the toilet trying to get the Handiness skill higher.

The next day at work she got promoted to Grunt! 

  Dang, Bea is just flying by her career. Although she gets very stressed out doing it.

The Next morning Grandma Ariel, Grandpa Arnie, and Ava came by to offer Beatrice and Agatha to come with them on their next mission. 

 Beatrice seemed to accept but she wanted to talk about it with her mother first. She wouldn't leave without her after all.

It seems Ava with her childish trait is having a ball with Beatrice's old doll house. 

Meanwhile outside Arnie was talking to his daughter. 

 "Dad why are you invisible?"

"It's temporary dear it's called "the Glitch cold." don't worry I'll be better by tomorrow."

Arnie talked to Agatha about wanting to take her and Beatrice to the alternate Moonlight falls considering this is much milder mission.

 "Will Beatrice still fulfill her dreams in this universe?"

"Of course! This universe is much like our own except for one glaring difference."

"That would be?"

"I can't tell you now. But I'll be back in the morning to inform you and Beatrice of the details."

Agatha paused and told her father that she wouldn't go unless she knew everything.

"Tomorrow you will know tomorrow." Arnie assured her.

So the four of them sat down for Dinner while Ariel left to find a cure for husband's "Glitch cold." 

"Let me get that for you grandfather you been threw enough." Beatrice said kindly while taking his plate. 


 "So you Ava do you know what awaits us in moonlight falls."

Ava smiled, "I can't tell you the details now. I know there is a handsome warlock there who's been asking about you."

Beatrice: >_> Just keep that one under your hat for now Ava.

Later on when it came to late and the rest of the family has gone back to their temporary home. 

  "What do you think Beatrice.. Do you want to go?" 

 "I think we should hear out the details and see exactly why they need us there first before making any commitments."

Agatha agreed with what her daughter. They shouldn't just walk into the situation without knowing why they are needed there to begin with. They should really hear everything out before deciding on going to another realm they may never get out of.

To be continued..


  1. Oh goodness! Glitch code! That is funny. I sure hope Arnie gets cured of that, poor guy. That's happened to several of my Sims and it's bad. Can't wait to see what this assignment is and if they take it. Bea is definitely flying through her career. She'll be way up there in no time. :)

  2. Haha that was funny, glitch cold! I find amazing how you always manage to create a dialog/description to the headlines!
