Saturday, August 2, 2014

Parenting Decisions and A birthday

As we last left off Delilah was born let's start off exactly where we left off huh?

Elliot did come home with Cecelia that night from the hospital. 

 Elliot was telling Cecelia he was going to buy a camera and make sure he gets plenty of pictures of Delilah as possible.

Cecelia agreed she wanted as many pictures of her while she was still a baby. When Cecelia put her daughter to sleep in her crib. 

"Goodnight Delilah momma loves you." She felt like a fool. A fool for ever doubting she couldn't love this child.

Elliot was invited to spend the night over that first night Delilah was home.  

 Cecelia wasted no time in setting protection charms around her home. 

 Of course the new baby got hungry quickly... 

Within the following weeks...

Elliot has still been visiting more n more being there for Delilah.

He and Pal have been getting along okay.  

Although Elliot has made things very clear to Pal.

"Actually Elliot.. Cecelia and myself have already talked about this. She did agree that you will be referred to as her father. I am just more like her step-father really..."

"Then it's settled then." 

"Maybe I'll catch her a unicorn one day.." Elliot wondered to himself.

In other news Pal has been walking around as a toy lately.  

 I wonder if it's to make the baby to feel more at ease... 

 Whenever Pal and Cecelia had a date night. Elliot was more then happy to send time with his baby girl. 

 "Who's the cute little purple witch! You are! You are!" 
 Even great grandmother Agatha helped out with late night feedings. 
 When Elliot wasn't around he called for updates on Delilah. 

 "Yes, Elliot. She's okay.. taking a nap right now."

All the while Cecelia has been trying to boost her magic skill by making the toilet unbreakable. 

She also came to an important decision to just be a home maker. 

 Since the family has $50,000 in the bank. She could get a job later in life and just focus on raising her child and her life time wish.

Eventually the time came for little Delilah's first birthday!

All the Party Guest came. 
 Great Grandma Agatha did the honors of taking baby Delilah to the cake. 

 Agatha done an awesome ninja move! Before Delilah aged up. 

 Then came time for little Delilah to age into... 


She has grandma Bea's and Great Grandma Agatha's hair. Cecelia's, Bea's, and Agatha's eyes. She has Bea's nose. The mouth looks a bit different to me though.

Not even two minutes as toddler and little Delilah let's EVERYONE know she is hungry. 

Momma was right there with the bottle though. 

 The excitement was a bit much for Beatrice though she went to the rocking chair. 

Russel was talking to Cecelia about Delilah's development.. making sure that his little granddaughter will be there for training like he once done for her mother. 

"Of course father. When she is old enough you will get to see her often. We'll train her together."

Russel also brought by a present. A pink baby swing for his little granddaughter. 

Just before bedtime Cecelia let Delilah have a little fun on the rocking pirate ship. 

 Little Delilah's thoughts as she was rocking... Ohh, this brings me back to when I was pirate queen! Weeeee!

After long day and party Delilah just went to sleep in her new swing. 

 She was having sweet dreams of being a pirate queen with her werewolf first mate.


What's to come? Delilah learning her toddler skills. Cecelia working on her lifetime wish and a mysterious ghost. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Haha a pirate queen AND werewolf first mate? I can't wait to see how it goes lol
